Viking Whetstones
During the Viking Age, intensive international trade spread over large parts of the world. Certain Trading places because significant meeting points. People met there from near and far to do business and offer their goods. These places became important harbors for both importing and exporting. Some were based on local specialties, while others existed merely because of their geographical position.
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~ Viking Whetstone ~
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The Vikings created and traded in Whetstones similar to this one which were often worn as pendants. Similar pendants have been found in ancient dig sites in Kalåstad, Norway, Birka and York, England.
The Viking Whetstone is of a non-local stone and today we can even trace where the Original stones were mined. These are cut from Solid Pieces of Banded Jasper that come in many different natural colors of Reds and Greens.
These are about Midway between hard white and hard black Arkansas stones in action with a Hardness of about 7 on the Mohs Scale. That means they are very fine grained and suitable for Honing a Fine Edge on your Blade or Fish Hook.
The Whetstones were very important for the Vikings and often commanded a high value. Metal tools and edges had to be sharp and kept in good condition and in small living spaces, size of the Whetstone was important.
Viking Whetstones similar to this are still being found in graves and sites all over the world.
Wear it – Use it!
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