Fort Henry Custom Knives is proud to be a Direct Dealer for KETUO USA
~ Direct from the Maker ~
This is a Beautiful Eagle “Feather” Lock ~ Money Clip / Hidden Knife
This would make a Great Gift for someone who is not normally into Knives
This is a little knife made from Solid Brass and Stainless Steel. It is a Fully Functional Button Lock and has Excellent Fit and Finish.
This is a superb, Sleek Little package with Tough materials. The Frame is Solid Brass with the Head and Clip made of Stainless steel – this little treasure looks just like the majestic bird it is named after!
When viewed from the Rear you can see how the Replaceable Stainless Blade fits inside the Brass Beak
The Blade is released by Pushing the Hidden Lock Bar above the Clip
This slick little EDC blade can also Double as a Custom Money Clip!
In Stock and Ready to Ship